I den facebookgrupp jag driver, vi som läser romance, presenterar jag varje månad en författare. De flesta är svenska men det är alltid roligt att få presentera några av mina personliga favoriter bland utländska författare. Den här gången är det Larissa Ione, tidigare meteorologen inom US Air Force som bytte karriär och satsade på författarskapet i stället och glada för det är alla vi miljoner läsare världen runt.
Larissa Ione skapade en magisk värld i sin Demonica-serie där Underground General spelar en viktig roll. Sjukhuset som hjälper övernaturliga varelser oavsett skada eller sida de slagits på. Sjukhuset är en neutral zon i en våldsam värld.
Hon skriver om vampyrer i serien Moonbound clan. Tillsammans med Stephanie Tyler publicerar de under pseudonymen Sidney Croft erotiska romaner. Hon skriver fristående contemporary romance och nu kommer hon även skriva women’s fiction, eller Feelgood som vi kallar genren. Det är vi i gruppen först om att få veta!
Larissa Ione har publicerat över 40 böcker, många som hamnat på olika bestseller-listor som New York times och USA Today. Hon har även blivit nominerad till Romance Writers of Americas RITA award.
Det är verkligen en stor ära att få presentera en gigant inom paranormal romance!
Tell us a bit of yourself and what it was that did draw you to the romance genre?
First of all, thank you for having me! These are always fun to do. Okay, so I’m Larissa Ione, and I write romance. Mostly, dark, sexy paranormal romance, but I do have a few contemporary stories. I’m also branching out into women’s fiction next year. As for what drew me to romance? I think it’s because I enjoy writing about relationships. Romance is one of the few things to which everyone can relate. If you have been on a date, you’ve experienced romance. Pair-bonding is ingrained in our DNA. Nearly everyone wants to get married, or at least be in a relationship, so I enjoy exploring those very human desires.
The FB-group loves book recommendations so please tell us a bit of your newest book!
Absolutely! My last book, Legacy of Temptation, released earlier this year, and my newest book releases (or has already released, depending on when you see this) December 3rd, and I’m so excited. It’s the second book in my new Demonica Birthright series, which is a spinoff of my bestselling Demonica and Four Horsemen series. It’s set 30 years in the future and features the grown up kids from the previous series. This particular book, Legacy of Chaos, is one of my favorites of all my books. I love a broken hero, and Stryke is among the most broken. He’s a billionaire lust demon who is estranged from his family thanks to a horrible incident when he was younger that tore the family apart. The heroine, Cyan, despises him and his company, but she’s tasked to work with him on a project that will help her agency fight evil demons, and there are a lot of fireworks! Elsewhere, a civil war is brewing in Heaven, and an ancient enemy is lurking in the background, ready to take revenge…
We are also interested in the writing process
How do you keep track of re-occurring characters in your series?
I keep a series bible. But I admit that it’s a new thing I’ve started doing with this series. Before I just kept the details in my head, but that led to characters with blue eyes in one book and green in another. Things like that. I learned my lesson and now keep track!
Do you write a synopsis and stick to that?
I write a very loose synopsis that mostly covers major plot points. I mostly stick to it, but I’ve found that I have to be willing to change things, because if I try to force my plots or characters in directions they shouldn’t go in, just to fit the plot, the book goes awry. I try to be flexible, so I write I VERY loose synopsis.
I’m sure you have a few book projects pending, can you tell us anything about them?
I’m currently working on the third book in the Demonica Birthright series, Legacy of Desire, which will release in October of 2025. I’m also working on a women’s fiction novel called The Escape Club, which I’m SUPER excited about. It’s about friendship and self-discovery from the POV of a woman named Bree, who has lost everything. Her husband cheated on her with her best friend and then divorced her, taking her job as well. So armed with her wild-child late grandmother’s diary and an RV, she sets off to prove she can make it on her own. I absolutely love this book. It should release next summer. I can’t wait to announce it. In fact, you’re the first I’ve told about it!
A fun fact!
What is your worst habit?
I’m a procrastinator. I hate it. I am making progress in getting better about it, but I need to do even better.
If you won the Lotto, what totally unnecessary thing would you buy?
I’d get an ATV or snowmobile. Heck, maybe both! We live in the woods, in a remote area that is full of ATV and snowmobile trails we can get to right from our house, so getting one of those things is a “someday” goal!
Do you have any secret hobbies?
I wouldn’t say “secret,” but my hobbies include reading (obviously,) diamond painting, gaming (D&D on the computer, and everything else inside my VR headset,) and working outside on our walking trails. My husband bought me a chainsaw and a wood chipper, so I love making trails! 🙂
Thank you again for having me! This was awesome!’
Vi säger stort tack till Larissa för att hon tagit sig tid att prata med oss ❤
Maria, november 2024